- FundosRSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- Séries15 - Dance leaflets
- 1 - Books and other printed items
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- Item406 - Sketches relative to the history and theory, but more especially to the Practice of Dancing; ?
- Item407 - Skillern's compleat Collection of two Hundred & four Reels and Country Dances, Perform'd at Court, Almacks, the Pantheon and most Publick Assembly's, with the newest and best directions for Dancing each Tune. Vol. 1
- Item408 - Skotsk Country Dancing
- Item409 - So You're Going to Wear the Kilt- A guide to wearing Scottish National Dress
- Item410 - So You're Going to Wear the Kilt-A handy guide to wearing the Scottish National Dress
- Pasta/Processo411 - Some Traditional Scottish Dances
- Item412 - Song Dance and Fiddle Music
- Item413 - Souvenir de la Tarantella Napolitaine dirig?e par Louis Puccinelli Ma?tre de Dans dessin?e par Ga?tan Dura. Lith Gatti & Dura
- Item414 - Spanish Dancing: A practical handbook of Spanish dancing
- 405 more...