- FundosRSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- Séries5 - Dance research- original sources and compositions
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- Item53 - A Tentative Report on the Sources of RSCDS Dances by R.N. Goss
- Item54 - Cross index - companion to formation index compiled by Eugenia Callander Sharp
- Item55 - Family tree of Thomas Murphy
- Item56 - Notes on Scottish country dancing footwear and evening dress by Bill Clement
- Item57 - Scottish Country Dance Verse
- Item60 - Hand-written description of the dance 'Cadgers in the Canongate' with notes by Brian McMurtry regarding confusion over the instructions for the dance
- Pasta/Processo61 - The Rose of Benbecula
- Pasta/Processo62 - Correspondence regarding 'Highlanders at Conestein Castle' (The Netherlands)
- Pasta/Processo63 - Correspondence regarding the origin of the figure, rights and lefts for three couples in Roy Goldring?s ?The Rose of the North?
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