- FundosRSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- Séries8 - Bibliographical materials
- 1 - Books and other printed items
- 338 more...
- Item339 - Pupils' Aid to the Memory and Guide to the Ball-room Dances
- Item340 - Quincentenary Scottish Country Dances
- Item341 - Rantin' Pipe and Tremblin' String: A History of Scottish Dance Music
- Pasta/Processo342 - Reel Reflections
- Item343 - Reliques of Robert Burns
- Item344 - Repeat Prescription A Compilation Album To Accompany The Recording By Sandy Nixon & His Band
- Item345 - Rhymes & Dances for Little Folk
- Item346 - Rites and Riots: Folk Customs of Britain and Europe
- Item347 - Roll Back the Carpet. We agree to Differ
- 565 more...