- FondsRSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- Série organique8 - Bibliographical materials
- 1 - Books and other printed items
- 190 en plus...
- Pièce191 - Footnotes - The Dances Vol. 1
- Pièce192 - For A Year and a Day A Guide to teaching SCD to beginners and elementary dancers
- Pièce193 - For the Further Improvement of Dancing A Treatis of Choreography or ye Art of Dancing Country Dances after A New Character, in which The Figures Steps, & Manner of Performing are describ'd & ye Rules Demonstrated in a Easie Method
- Pièce194 - Four National Dances Reprinted from the Guild of Play Book Part III.
- Pièce195 - Four Scottish Dances
- Dossier196 - Francis & Day's Ball Room Guide of Old Time Favourite and Modern Dances
- Pièce197 - Frederick Hill's Book of Quadrilles & Country Dances etc. etc
- Pièce198 - Fylde Scottish Country Dancing Society 21st Anniversary
- Pièce199 - Gatherer's Musical Museum
- 713 en plus...