- RSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- 15 - Dance leaflets
- 1 - Books and other printed items
- 48 more...
- 49 - A Formations Index of Scottish Country Dances
- 50 - A Guide to Ball Room Dancing. New Dances
- 51 - A Guide to Ball Room Dancing. An Authentic Description of All Dances in General Use
- 52 - A Guide to Basic Steps and The Elements of the Dances
- 53 - A Handbook of Traditional Scottish Dance
- 54 - A History of Jordanhill College of Education, 1921-1971
- 55 - A Mixture for all. A Selection of Scottish Country Dances devised by Nick Higgs A member of 'The Macaulay Dancers' Bournemouth Branch RSCDS
- 56 - A New Most Excellent Dancing Master
- 57 - A Reel Dozen Book 4
- 762 more...