- RSCDS - Records of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
- 8 - Bibliographical materials
- 1 - Books and other printed items
- 10 more...
- 11 - 12 Scottish Country Dances
- 12 - 14 Social Dances for 2000 devised by Roy Goldring with original music by Neil Barron, Nancy Dickson, Ian Findlay, Alastair Hunter and Muriel Johnstone
- 13 - 15 Social Dances devised by Roy Goldring
- 14 - 200th Anniversary of Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York. 1756-1956
- 15 - 50 Jahre Tamburin 1956-2006
- 16 - 50 Jahre Tamburin 1956-2006 Ein Kreis, der Freude am Tanzen Hat
- 17 - 50 Selected Songs of Burns staff
- 18 - 51 Beauties of Scottish Song
- 19 - 51 Beauties of Scottish Song
- 893 more...