Please note: this is the development (non-production) archive. The Live Archive can be found at

This catalogue is a searchable database of descriptions and digital images of our archives. Our collections are comprised of records of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and its branches, as well personal papers of members; including published books, manuscripts, minute books, correspondence, photographs and audio recordings. The addition of descriptions is an ongoing process. Please contact us (email: ) if you cannot find what you are looking for.

Please note you do not need to log in to use this site.

To browse the collections, select 'Archival descriptions' from the menu on the left or type a keyword into the search box above. For more tips on searching the catalogue click here

To access image and text digital objects select 'Images' from the menu on the left; or click on the thumbnails at the top of item descriptions. Please note thumbnails for PDFs (e.g. minute books, and magazines) are blank.

This project has been made possible through a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund